Did you know that volunteers are crucial in making SNAP successful? Volunteers are needed for a variety positions leading up to and during the conference. Are you interested in volunteering at SNAP 2019? Fill out the application below. We will be reviewing volunteer...
Do you have a professional skill other bloggers and entrepreneurs ask about all the time? Come to SNAP and share it with us as a speaker or panel member. You can apply to speak by Friday, January 18th. We’re looking instructors for a variety of business,...
No matter how well crafted your pitch is, it will get nowhere if you send it to the wrong person. If you’re attending Snap, you’ve taken a great step toward connecting with our 2018 line up of sponsors. Whether you’re coming to Snap in two weeks, or you’re staying at...
Learn how to quickly and efficiently download the Snap Conference 2019 schedule mobile download to your phone. Have you checked out this year’s Conference Schedule? I know! The classes are great. While the business classes are top notch, we’re also...
Hi SNAP! friends, we are in the final home stretch before SNAP 2018! Can you believe it?! We are so excited to announce that SNAP Secret Sisters is back for the 5th year! This program has been such a huge hit each year, and we are thrilled with the response we get...
But before April rolls around, we’ve got a bit of housekeeping to do! I get asked to describe Snap all of the time. I thought it would be fun to share my view with you! Snap is a conference for creative lifestyle bloggers – the makers. Approximately 95% of...