One Word Goal Not Just a Housewife

My name is Stacy and I blog over at Not Just A Housewife. I have given it a lot of thought and I have finally decided that my word of the year is going to to be Perspective.


I love this because it has multiple meanings to me. I don’t naturally keep the “big picture” in mind all the time. I have to consciously remind myself that there even is a bigger picture. I love thinking about the fact that this moment right now is just a bleep in time. There is a big fat future waiting ahead of me. My choices are usually affected by the fact that there is more to this moment, more than even this earth life.

Perspective is a spiritual thing for me as well. I try to think about the Lord’s perspective. I try to look at myself (and others) how the Lord sees us. It greatly affects my attitude and self confidence. Both of which can always use improvement. 🙂

I want to try to be better about seeing the world through my children’s eyes. It is so easy to get caught up in the day to day things us adults have to deal with. I want to see life with their perspective. I want to be more fun and make even more time for them instead of just surviving today to get to tomorrow only to repeat that over and over.

I strongly believe that if you change your perspective it can change everything.

So here’s to a wonderful new year full of new perspectives!

Love Stacy’s word! How many of us could use the reminder to change our perspective once in a while? I love all the DIY awesomeness you can find on Stacy’s site. If you’re looking for some great projects for improving your home, stop by for a visit!


Have you set a one word goal this year? Share it with us using the hashtag #onewordchallenge on social media. If you’ve shared a message about your one word goal on a blog, please link to it in our introductory post! 


One Word Challenge sponsored by Charmed Collections.
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